Recommended Boutique -- Yunjin "The Peach and Crane for Longevity”

*本次藏品 周双喜 《桃鹤益寿图》

锦面典藏尺寸:31cm x 31cm






Cloud brocade is named after the "brilliant clouds", ranking first among the "Four Famous Brocades" in China, and has always been a tribute to the royal family. Yun brocade through the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties flourished, to the end of the Qing dynasty gradually depressed, craftsmen have changed careers, Yun brocade skills were once on the verge of being lost. After the founding of new China, the party and the government attached great importance to the protection and inheritance of brocade, in 1957, approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Government, Nanjing brocade research institute was established, which is the first arts and crafts research institute in new China. As the only professional research institute of yunjin in China, they took up the important responsibility of the protection and inheritance of yunjin.

In the early 1980s, Nanjing Yunjin Research Institute received a large project - for the Dingling Museum to copy the Ming Dynasty Emperor Wanli dragon robe robe material. In brocade weaving, weaving the highest level of dragon robe, need to be "woven". In order to ensure the quality of weaving and craftsmanship, Zhou Shuangxi and the Institute of technical personnel over and over again to the palace to see the original dragon robe, the whole five years, Zhou Shuangxi and colleagues think hard, careful study, and finally succeeded in reproducing 400 years ago the royal dragon robe. This task allowed them to obtain a project grant of 300,000 yuan, but also for the Institute and Yunjin technology provides an opportunity for transformation. The Institute utilized this money to establish a base for the brocade craft, build a brocade exhibition hall, update the manufacturing equipment, and gradually forge an excellent team of talents. Looked at the brocade replica was solemnly preserved into the exhibition hall, the then director of Wang Yinran deeply gratified, said: "This project, save the entire brocade technology."

Reproduction of the process of the dragon robe, but also let Zhou Shuangxi really feel the beauty of the brocade, he is more and more determined to study the faith of the brocade. In addition to reproducing the national treasure "gold woven peacock feather flower yarn dragon robe material" "yellow ground gold woven flower satin over-the-shoulder straight sleeve dragon robe material", Zhou Shuangxi and others have successfully reproduced the world-famous cultural relics "veiled garment". Zhou Shuangxi and others successfully reproduced the world-famous cultural relic "Zen garment".

From the Nanjing Yunjin Institute as an apprentice, to become a national non-genetic heritage, Zhou Shuangxi cohesion of craftsmanship, with the hands of weaving brilliant star China, for the country to rescue a large number of replication of Yunjin with high cultural relics value, to fill the gaps in the field of research of Yunjin, by the cultural relics experts are highly evaluated.

Now, Zhou Shuangxi has been awarded various honorary titles, "China's master brocade weaver", "national intangible cultural heritage of Nanjing brocade wooden machine makeup flower handloom weaving technology representative inheritor", "Jiangsu Provincial Arts and Crafts Masters " and so on. In the face of these honors, he just smiled lightly: "I really did not think I would become a master, the only shortcut is to do this one thing for so many years, the least I can do this reasoning, that's it. It's also not easy to persevere for decades. Do one thing for a lifetime and you're a master at everything you do.".

*本次藏品 周双喜 《桃鹤益寿图》


近期我公司有幸征集到一幅南京云锦国家级非遗传承人周双喜老师的《桃鹤益寿图》,锦面典藏尺寸:31cm x 31cm。藏品《桃鹤益寿图》运用南京云锦传统妆花织造技艺,用料极为考究,采用桑蚕丝、金线等材料织造而成。锦面以传统中国红色为底色,选用仙鹤和寿桃为主图案,画面中鹤展翅高飞,口衔寿桃,加上四周金彩交织的朵朵祥云,颜色层次丰富,动感十足,表达出美好的寓意。在古代,鹤享有一品鸟的尊崇地位,羽毛雪白,体态优雅,代表吉祥长寿,常喻修身洁行品德高尚的贤能之士。藏品格调高雅、清新脱俗,蕴含深厚的文化底蕴,让尘封在玻璃柜后的民族瑰宝重获新生,象征着民族的文化自信。


Recently, our company had the honor to collect a piece of Nanjing brocade national non-genetic inheritance teacher Zhou Shuangxi's "Peach and Crane longevity map", brocade surface collection size: 31cm x 31cm. the collection "Peach and Crane longevity map" using the traditional Nanjing brocade makeup weaving techniques, the material is extremely sophisticated, using mulberry silk, gold thread and other materials weaving and become. The brocade surface is based on the traditional Chinese red color, and the crane and the peach of longevity are chosen as the main motifs. In the picture, the crane spreads its wings and flies high, holding the peach of longevity in its mouth, together with the golden and colorful auspicious clouds around it, the colors are richly layered and full of dynamics, which expresses a good meaning. In ancient times, the crane enjoys the status of a bird of honor, snow-white feathers, elegant body, representing auspicious longevity, often a metaphor for the cultivation of clean and noble virtues of the virtuous. Collection of elegant, fresh, contains a deep cultural heritage, so that the dust in the glass cabinet behind the national treasure reborn, symbolizing the cultural confidence of the nation.

With the collectors of Yunjin itself value recognition of the enhancement of Yunjin future potential is immeasurable. This collection of "Peach Crane Benefit Longevity Figure" by the Nanjing Yunjin national non-genetic heritage teacher Zhou Shuangxi creation, Nanjing dynasties Yunjin Museum authority supervision, not only has the value of the art collection, but also the value-added core driving force.


For information about the above collections, please contact: Sichuan Jun Zailai Auction Group Co.